As a developer of a Python library that provides a wrapper for the Telegram Bot API, I regularly see requests in its corresponding support group that read more like “Where can I hire someone to code a bot for me?” than “How do I code this myself”. That’s fine, but just not what the support group of the API wrapper is intended for.
Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any good resource focused on bringing developers and clients together that focuses on Telegram bots. Formerly, there used to be @devlist, but it got shut down. So I had that Thanos moment: »Fine, I’ll do it myself«.
This page started in mid 2021 and we’ll have to see how well it will be received.
What this page does
- Focus on Telegram-related automation. This includes both regular bots and so-called userbots, i.e. automation of your normal Telegram account
- Offer a free and simple place for developers to advertise themself
- Take a minimal, but best-effort approach
- Try to inform both clients and developers about the limitations about this page and risks that come with online commissions
What this page doesn’t do
- Take responsibility for anything going south with a commission that you accepted or made
- Spend a lot of resources on advanced search features or a high-end website - if you want that, please head to some commercial page
- Offer legal advice for anything - just some general rules of thumb
- Take responsibility for any information provided by the developers
- Track any of your data - this page is hosted on GitHub Pages, so obviously GitHub has access to your IP and such but apart from that this page doesn’t use any analytics service